Algorithmic Trading for Digital Assets

Débloquez les fonctionnalités les plus avancées de votre entreprise avec nous with systematic execution infrastructure

Notre processus en trois étapes parfaitement notre produit dans votre quotidien Routine, amélioration de l'efficacité et amélioration de la productivité.

Sans autorisation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consécration de l'élite adipiscique.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consécration de l'élite adipiscique.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consécration de l'élite adipiscique.

Experienced builders.
Professional expectations.

Expect the best from a seasoned team of builders from the world's leading financial institutions and technology companies

Spot, Perps, Options

Tradeable asset types

Exchange integrations

New York City
San Francisco

Global presence

C'est un privilège de collaborer avec une telle diversité gamme d'entreprises.

Notre partenariat avec Harlem a changé la donne pour notre start-up. Leur vision stratégique et leurs approches innovantes ont considérablement accéléré notre croissance.

Customize your perfect execution strategy and trade over time with strategies like VWAP, basis trading algos and systematically choose the best liquidity source with our smart order router

Built for

fundamental funds
systematic funds
agency traders
OTC traders

Transparent and exhaustive transaction cost analysis

View the markets from the engine's point of view and iteratively improve your execution with real-time and historical comprehensive TCA reports and full access to the raw engine data


slippage metrics
participation rates
aggregated reports

Positions and PnLs to help you make the best decisions

Analyze and monitor your portfolios across all your sub-account on supported exchanges to manage your risk and make the best investment decisions


live positions/PnLs
exchange balances
historical PnL

Full REST API along with complex conditional orders

Plug in your existing systematic trading infrastructure to our execution engine and avoid worrying about slippage and unnecessary exchange fees


algorithmic execution
order management
portfolio data
market data

Backed by investors who understand trading


Essayez Harlem
let us handle the rest